关于「 cryptonews」的内容列表

Space ID will become a digital identity provider for Story Protocol

On Tuesday, Web3 domain name service provider Space ID announced a partnership with blockchain startup Story Protocol to provide an identity management solution, according to Cryptonews. Space ID will integrate its domain name infrastructure into Story Protocol. Human-readable domains like "jane.ip" will serve as proof of creation for blockchain verification, allowing IP owners to authenticate, license, and monetize their work on Story Protocol.

2025-02-19 02:27:47
Space ID将成为Story Protocol的数字身份提供商

据Cryptonews报道,周二,Web3域名服务提供商Space ID宣布与区块链初创公司Story Protocol合作,提供身份管理解决方案。Space ID将把其域名基础设施集成到Story Protocol中。像“jane.ip”这样的人类可读域名将作为区块链验证的创作证明,允许IP所有者在Story Protocol上对其作品进行身份验证、许可和货币化。

2025-02-19 02:27:47
The Wyoming Highway Patrol Association is exploring the inclusion of bitcoin in its balance sheet

According to Cryptonews, the Wyoming Highway Workers union in the United States has announced that it is exploring the inclusion of bitcoin on its balance sheet. The Wyoming Highway Patrol Association (WHPA) has partnered with Proof of Workforce to launch an initiative called Get Off Zero. The initiative is expected to become the first law enforcement association in the United States to hold bitcoin on its balance sheet. The "Start From Zero" campaign focuses on cryptocurrency investments...

2025-02-13 10:02:10

据Cryptonews报道,美国怀俄明州公路工人工会宣布其正在探索将比特币纳入其资产负债表。怀俄明州公路巡逻协会(简称WHPA)与Proof of Workforce合作发起了一项名为“从零开始”(Get Off Zero)的倡议。该倡议有望成为美国首个在其资产负债表上持有比特币的执法协会。“从零开始”运动专注于加密货币投资...

2025-02-13 10:02:10

据CryptoNews报道,波兰国家银行(NBP)以安全和稳定为由,坚决否定了将比特币纳入其国家储备的任何可能性。 波兰国家银行行长兼货币政策委员会主席Adam Glapiński在新闻发布会上宣布了这一消息,并重申央行的首要任务是维护其储备资产的绝对安全。Glapiński表示:“在任何情况下我们都不会考虑比特币,因为储备必须绝对安全。” 波兰的储备仍然主要以...

2025-02-08 01:41:06

据Cryptonews报道,巴西圣保罗州议员Adriana Ventura向议会提交一项法案,提议允许在巴西注册的投资基金购买加密货币。Ventura表示,该提案旨在满足投资基金对加密货币日益增长的需求和兴趣,有助于金融创新、鼓励更复杂产品的开发以及投资策略的多样化。目前,巴西主要机构投资者尚不能直接投资加密货币。该法案能否获得通过仍不明确,但巴西加密货币社...

2025-02-06 04:12:50
俄罗斯最大电力供应商 Rosseti 将开展加密货币挖矿业务

据 Cryptonews 报道,俄罗斯最大电力供应商 Rosseti 宣布将开展加密货币挖矿业务,计划作为挖矿基础设施的托管运营商,重点关注利用率较低的供电中心。该公司表示,这一举措将有助于提高电力设施使用率并增加公司的收入。Rosseti 集团负责人 Andrei Ryumin 已致信俄罗斯总理...

2025-01-27 02:21:42
Deutsche Bank has become a partner of Bison Bank, a crypto platform owned by the Stuttgart Stock Exchange

According to Cryptonews, Bison, a cryptocurrency trading platform owned by Germany's Boerse Stuttgart Group, has announced that Deutsche Bank has become its banking partner. The partnership is in line with Bison's multi-bank strategy, enabling Deutsche Bank to safeguard the euro balances of Bison customers. Bison confirmed that the new partnership will not undermine its existing relationship with Bison's long-term banking partner, Solaris SE.

2025-01-15 01:46:22
德意志银行成为斯图加特证交所旗下加密平台 Bison 银行合作伙伴

据Cryptonews报道,德国斯图加特证券交易所集团(Boerse Stuttgart Group)旗下加密货币交易平台Bison宣布德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)已成为其银行合作伙伴。 此次合作符合Bison的多银行战略,使德意志银行能够保障Bison客户的欧元余额。Bison证实,这一新的合作关系不会破坏其与Bison长期银行合作伙伴Solaris SE的现有合作关系。

2025-01-15 01:46:22
FV Bank adds PYUSD with PayPal support for deposits and payments

According to Cryptonews, FV Bank, a regulated digital bank in the United States, has integrated PayPal USD (PYUSD), allowing customers to directly deposit and make payments in PYUSD while enabling instant conversion to U.S. dollars. FV Bank is now the only US bank to support USDC, USDT and PYUSD deposits. Customers can initiate PYUSD payments directly from their USD accounts without the need to mint coins or manage an external digital wallet. Additionally, the feature integrates with blockchain ...

2025-01-13 06:45:15
FV Bank新增支持PayPal的PYUSD,用于存款与支付

据Cryptonews报道,美国受监管数字银行FV Bank已集成PayPal USD(PYUSD),允许客户直接存入PYUSD并进行支付,同时实现即时转换为美元。 FV Bank现成为唯一一家支持USDC、USDT和PYUSD存款的美国银行。客户可直接从美元账户发起PYUSD支付,无需铸币或管理外部数字钱包。此外,该功能与区块链分析工具集成,可预筛选并检测与受制裁实体或反洗钱活动相关的交易,确保完全合规。

2025-01-13 06:45:15
Sales of crypto miners in Russia have tripled, and regulatory attitudes have shifted towards laxity

According to Cryptonews, the demand for crypto miners and related services in Russia tripled year-on-year in the fourth quarter of 2024. Sergey Bezdelov, president of the Industrial Mining Association, said that this is due to the new regulations allowing individuals and businesses to legally mine within a certain energy consumption range. The new regulations give mining legal status and require miners over 6,000 kWh to register, but they are still in looser regulatory environments. The Russian ...

2025-01-13 01:51:33

据Cryptonews报道,2024年第四季度,俄罗斯加密矿机及相关服务需求同比增长三倍。工业矿业协会主席Sergey Bezdelov表示,这得益于新法规允许个人和企业在一定能源消耗范围内合法挖矿。新法规为挖矿赋予合法地位,并要求超过6000千瓦时的矿工登记,但仍处于较宽松的监管环境。俄罗斯财政部预计,加密矿工税收每年可达5亿美元。与此同时,立法者表...

2025-01-13 01:51:33
Merchants in South Korea's Dongdaemun market deny reports of mass adoption of USDT payments

According to Cryptonews, merchants in South Korea's Dongdaemun market have denied reports of large-scale adoption of USDT payments. Previously, there were reports that merchants in the market, especially wholesalers targeting Chinese customers, were using USDT for international transactions. However, multiple merchants said that cash is still the main payment method and the actual use of stablecoins is not widespread.

2025-01-02 02:11:15


2025-01-02 02:11:15

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